lots going on round here…

Aug 2, 2022

First… tomatoes are one of the very best things about summertime in Indiana. The fact that they’re low in calories and healthy are a bonus. Mr. Pesky keeps me stocked and I’m consuming them like it’s my job. Yum!

garden tomatoes

Speaking of the ongoing diet and healthier lifestyle…

Perry walked in here after work the other night and proclaimed he had something for me. I’d mentioned I wanted a cruiser bike and when he told me it was a bike he’d purchased, I was afraid it would have a basket and/or saddlebags. But no… just a plain gray cruiser. Exactly what I wanted! 🙂

new bike

Only about 2 weeks.

In about 2 weeks, this house will belong to someone else. I have 30-days to move but if I had someplace else to go, it really wouldn’t take that long. Here’s hoping all this weather is gone before we’re carrying boxes to a moving truck. 🙂

lots of rain this week

TIL (Today I Learned): In 2013, a surgeon in the UK was convicted of assault after branding his initials into two patients livers. It was only discovered when 1.6-inch (4cm) initials were discovered by another doctor on an organ that he had transplanted failed.