In 2014, I told you guys to listen to a podcast called Serial. The podcast was a re-investigation of a 1999 murder in Baltimore of 18 year-old Hae Min Lee and the circumstances surrounding her convicted ex-boyfriend, Adnan Syed, who was only 17 at the time. Welp, ole’ Adnan went free today — the judge vacated his murder conviction.
Rural Crothersville grows massive spiders. It’s possible there’s a growth hormone in the water or something equally as terrifying.

Rural Crothersville also has LURKERS that may or may not be dangerous. It’s scary either way.

Hummingbirds are amazing, and I have one for a best friend. Meet Brad!

Sadly, I learned today that Brad is likely female. Males head out to warmer weather in August and leave the women with the kids to follow the following month. 🙄
TIL (Today I Learned): Servilia’s pearl was a black pearl given by Julius Caesar to his favorite mistress. According to Suetonius, it was worth 6 million sesterces (approximately $1.5 billion now.)