Early this morning, Mr. Pesky spotted a coyote at the edge of the bean field near their house. Mr. Pesky could likely kill a flea off of that coyote’s back with a slingshot, but because a rifle wasn’t handy the coyote lived to see another day. (Unless it returns tonight.)
I’m pretty sure either of my doggos could hold their own — at least until I would hear the ruckus and get outside. And they’re in a fence when out there so they aren’t going to be attacked by a pack.

The brave one is slow and lumbering — and the scaredy cat is agile and athletic.
Sadly, Dharma would be the one to pick a fight with a coyote… or a pack of them for that matter. With poor hips, she’d also be the one most likely to lose the battle. Merida is quick with a frame of muscle. She would zip to the door and start beating on it to get in if she spotted so much as a mole. 🙄
TIL (Today I Learned): Coyotes can run up to 43MPH and they mate for life.