Got my insurance bill yesterday AND my electric bill AND my fiber bill. The electric wasn’t awful, but wasn’t as low as I expected. Fiber Internet isn’t cheap, but it’s reasonable considering. Insurance is a crazy amount of my budget — not sure about yours. Coverage for cars, houses, and health insurance hits for around $10K a year — and that’s figuring on the low side. Even then… if I need healthcare my deductible is $2500 a year.
Holy cow! That’s just a start!
Groceries? I’m spending way too much there… especially if my coffee bill counts. I don’t need to drive to work so that doesn’t hurt so much. For many of you, that alone takes a bite out of your cash that’s not already claimed by something else. No car payments but there aren’t fancy vehicles in my garage either. Property taxes are due. Another ouch! 🙄
I don’t see how young families with kids make it. It takes both parents working in most cases and child care is a HUGE expense! Inflation… rising interest rates… blah blah blah…
Where should we focus our energy?

Focusing here is good too… 🙂

TIL (Today I Learned): A Dunkin’ Donuts marketing campaign in South Korea released coffee aromas while their commercials played on buses. The campaign increased sales by 29%.