I’m feeling all kinds of bad for Santa this year. Not sure why I can’t just get what I want… a foot of wet snow with temps hovering at 31 or 32 degrees. But no! We’re looking at almost hurricane force winds to blow around some dry snow over a sheet of ice.
I can promise you Santa prefers what I want over what Mother Nature has planned.
My favorite brother cancelled his flight and won’t be in Indiana for Christmas again this year. Tammy’s already in Ft. Wayne with her kids and grandkids so she’s going to share in the winter pain… but alone. Scott will be suffering in Vegas where temps are cooler than normal… highs in the mid-low 60’s. 😏
What if we lose power?
We have a generator but it’s one of the things that didn’t get moved from the Pesky’s garage yet. I guess we’ll be screwed here since it’s not like I could take it from them… they’re old and fragile. 😉 I guess we could crack a window and bring the solo bonfire stove inside… it’s not like it would hurt the floors and there aren’t walls anyway. Heh.
I worry more about outside dogs than anything else.
Dogs that are chained or kenneled outside are a huge concern when conditions are awful. Humans can be cruel and thoughtless. If you worry about that too, rest assured that the hounds around here have it made.

TIL (Today I Learned): The Earth is actually 3 million miles closer to the Sun during the winter (Northern Hemisphere) than in the summer.