Yesterday was the day to un-Christmas the barndo. I took down the two inside trees AND carried the heavy turds upstairs for storage along with the boxes of lights and ornaments. This was AFTER I did my 30-minutes on the treadmill.
My “helpers” are not fans of the vacuum.

As I took the photo above, I noticed the snow hadn’t been cleaned from the deck. Add to that the sidewalk is in the shade so it was still snow and ice covered. I pulled out the snow shovel first and got the worst scraped off — and then I swept it all with a broom to get rid of as much moisture as possible so it wouldn’t refreeze. Next, I saw the forecast calling for rain. 🙄
Yesterday was a gorgeous day in the mid-high 50’s and the snow should disappear today.

Lastly, I took down the outside decor and got it stored upstairs. The whole un-Christmasing thing is sort of sad even though it’s nice to be rid of the holiday clutter.
I already miss the disco tree. 😢
TIL (Today I Learned): The first mac & cheese recipe dates to the year 1390, when it appeared in the cookbook “The Forme of Cury”. It used fresh, hand-cut pasta sandwiched between a mixture of melted butter and grated cheese.