2023 started out ruff

Jan 3, 2023

Merida had her first bath of 2023! Actually, it was her first bath EVER at home since becoming an adult.

A lab afraid of water? Surely not!

But alas, it’s true. I don’t know if her fear stems from times she’s been bathed and groomed by professionals, or if she just missed out on some Labrador genes. To be clear, I’m no professional groomer and I had to have help getting her in the tub. It was a shit show… but it could’ve been worse.

Dharma cried outside the door because she LOVES a bath and was jealous. (She did get tub time after we finished with Merida.) Merida cried inside to be released from the unholy torture she was experiencing in a big white container filled with acid.

For about 2 hours afterward she gave me the stink eye.

To help her forget the torturous treatment, I brought out my secret weapon and she loves me once again.

TIL (Today I Learned): The U.S Army once designed an anti armor grenade that would be the same size and shape of a football so US soldiers knew how to sling it. The prototype was built using a hollowed out nerf ball.