prowler alert before sunrise!

Jan 6, 2023

If you don’t want to be caught on video then you better stay clear of the barndo. The surveillance equipment here rivals that of the FBI. Most of the time, the notifications are letting me know that UPS or FedEx are delivering a package.

Yesterday morning, that wasn’t the case.

Because I’m a night owl, I’m rarely up early. You’re more likely to catch me up and awake at 3:00 AM than at 7:00 AM. When my watch buzzed and phone dinged with an alert notification before daylight yesterday morning, I sat up in bed instantly. UPS and FedEx aren’t dropping off goodies at 7:30 AM, right?

I grabbed up my phone to check the camera…

bunny prowler

Definitely not in fear of my life after viewing the screenshot served up to me, I tried to fall back asleep but had too much adrenaline running through my veins. Instead, I got up and watched 12 minutes of that darned bunny playing around out there.

He (not promising that’s the correct pronoun) was a little apprehensive at first, checking out the camera for a bit and then just sitting there taking in his surroundings. I’m not sure at this point if I should move the camera or put out food for the guy. I don’t want him waking me up, but it sure was fun watching the playback.

With the number of coyotes around here, I’d probably be the one to catch on camera that poor bunny being attacked. Remember… I’m the one that fed squirrels until one got so fat Dharma was able to catch the little rodent. 🙄

TIL (Today I Learned): Famed author William S. Burroughs “accidentally” shot his wife in the head in what he claimed was a drunken reenactment of William Tell.