i just want to do useless stuff and get paid for it

Jan 8, 2023

I’m not going to use WhatIfItDid to complain about my job although there are certainly times I would LOVE to do just that. I know… I know… there’s a reason it’s called a job. But what I really want to do is a whole bunch of useless stuff and still get paid for it!

I should rephrase… I want to CREATE useless stuff and get paid for doing it.

I want to make homemade vanilla. (You know… the liquid I only rarely use when baking.) I want to store it in cool looking bottles with handmade labels and smile like Martha Stewart when presenting it as Christmas gifts.

I want to make homemade soap and candles and tarts — basically, all things that smell good. I want to paint (even though I haven’t done it since high school and have no earthly clue where or how to start). I’m talking about watercolors and oils… and I want every single finished product to be a work of art.

I need a new resume.

Ben told me yesterday that although he felt he was about 20 years behind where he should be insofar as his career/work, I could still do whatever I wanted. You guys, that makes ZERO sense. Although it made me feel good to know he thinks I’m capable of doing great things, it also made me question his sanity.

Then he said, “Just look at your resume!” Sadly, my resume doesn’t say one thing about creating useless stuff.

As I’m thinking hard about making a change, I’ll create useless photos of lovely sunsets right here at the place I love more every single day. 🙂

Indiana sunset
(more sunset photos @ shelleyerwin.com)

TIL (Today I Learned): Igloos can have an interior temperature of 19-61 degrees Fahrenheit amid exterior temperatures of -45 degrees.