there’s a male ghost in my bedroom

Feb 28, 2022

So a little before 5:00 AM yesterday morning, I heard music playing. I awoke slowly, not sure where the sound was coming from. I first checked my phone… nope. What? Even the dogs were trying to figure out what was going on.

Not a country music fan, I knew that was the genre, but even by the time I figured it was coming from my Alexa, I didn’t know who the artist was.

I yelled loudly, “ALEXA, STOP!”

All became quiet.

When I was awake and my brain was engaged, I went to the Alexa app to figure out what triggered country music to start playing at 5:00 AM. It’s all right there in the history.

Alexa heard, “Alexa, play my favorite song.” Obviously, Alexa thought my favorite song is by an artist I’ve never heard before from a genre that isn’t my jam.

What Alexa heard.

So I clicked the link to hear what Alexa heard.

It’s sort of hard to make out the words unless you listen closely. There’s a lot of paranormal acoustic effects in the background so pay attention!

And now, I’m convinced I have a male ghost in my bedroom and Alexa is in cahoots with him. It MUST be him picking the tunes. Not sure exactly what he’s wanting me to know by reading the lyrics of that song. It does mention an old lab dog and a little country town.

I used to live in a little country town and I do have a couple lab dogs…

my lab dogs

It will be interesting to find out what song ghost dude has lined up next. 💀