dharma is a traitor

Feb 25, 2023

MY dog, Dharma, was caught being awfully friendly with someone besides me…

Dharma and Katie

Katie’s weakness is animals. She always has too many. More than she can afford to feed and more than she has time for. From a 3-legged cat named Lucky to two strays she’s spent a ton of money on, plus 2 other hounds… she can’t turn her back on any animal.

I admire her for that on one hand, and on the other hand I know how much more difficult it’s making her life right now. She’ll be listing her house soon and I can’t imagine how she’s going to work out showings. It’s was hard for us with 2 dogs — and ONE showing. 🙁

TIL (Today I Learned): Despite having brains the size of poppy seeds, bees are able to recognize and remember human faces.