Nervous systems were on high alert at the barndo today. They were shouting messages to our blood vessels to shrink — and shrink they did. Once that happens, skin folds over the thin vessels and wrinkles form. In warm water, that takes around 5 minutes or so. We resembled prunes.

Warm water and chilly air… expected since it IS still winter.
The water was warm — bumping between 103° and 104° — and we were out there more than 5 minutes. A LOT more than 5 minutes. One of us had warm water above the neckline… and that someone was not me. 😉

She’s growing up and I’m growing old(er).
Coco’s at that stage where she seems so “grown up” at times — and 5 minutes later she acts like a kid half her age. She’s funny… and quirky… and I sure love spending time with her. ❤️

TIL (Today I Learned): Until 1921 the Colorado River did not flow through the State of Colorado. It took an act of Congress to “move” the river into the state by renaming the Grand River and adding it to the Colorado River.