i might possibly be the best cook on the planet

Mar 15, 2023

We’ll never know if my first attempt at a waffle was a success. That means… it MIGHT be true that it was the best waffle ever made. I didn’t taste it…

empty plate on the floor

I had a big, beautiful waffle in the middle of a plate with butter applied when I turned around to get syrup. I turned back around just in time to see it disappear! A black, 4-legged creature who will remain unnamed snatched the waffle and made it disappear in the blink of an eye. No chewing jaw movement… just… it was just gone!

On a brighter note…

I had the other food item back just far enough that she didn’t snatch it instead.


TIL (Today I Learned): Lightning is five times hotter than the surface of the sun.