when it starts to get real i start to get nervous

Mar 14, 2023

Have you ever wanted something you had to wait for and when the time neared you got all anxious about it? That’s where I am right this second. A morning text from my contractor to let me know he’d be calling this afternoon to discuss a plan of action for the room with no walls has me both excited and feeling an overwhelming sense of dread.

Why dread you ask?

the room with no walls

Well… as you can see, the room with no walls is FULL. It’s full of stuff that’s going to be difficult to move. All the items are bulky and heavy. It’s the room we spend most of our time in. And finally, it’s where I work. EeeEeeek!!!

I’m more than ready for the change — heck, I’ve been talking about walls since last October. But so soon after moving all our crap from one house to another, I can’t express how much I dread even thinking about going through this.

Where are we to go?

The garage door you see will be removed and that’s going to leave a big hole leading into the gravel floor garage until it’s covered with wall board and a closet. And right now, it’s cold outside. Winter isn’t finished with the Ville yet as evidenced by yesterday’s snow flurries…

snow on the hot tub

I’ll find out this afternoon when I speak with Mr. Contractor how long this will take… and how much crap they can work around. Shit is about to get real around here, you guys. 😯

TIL (Today I Learned): The crews of Apollo 11, 12, and 14 had to spend 3 weeks in quarantine after returning to Earth because of the possibility that they might spread contagions from the moon.