norovirus day #2… or is it #3? And how to blur your house from the world.

Mar 24, 2023

At around 4:30 AM this morning I had to choose between drinking Pepto or coffee. This isn’t like a 24-hour bug… at least not for me. I still feel 100% horrible. I opted for the Pepto so I’ve stopped throwing up, I just feel like I want to — every second, I feel like I want to.

pepto for the win!

I have support!

At least I have support throughout this noro BS. I just wish I could train the doggos to get water for me and let themselves outside. 🙂

And finally, I want to mention something else you may or may not know about that’s sort of technical in a security sort of way…

Blur my property on Google Maps.

Have you ever been on Zillow — or Google Maps directly — and a property is blurred out? Wonder why? It’s about privacy and security, of course.

I totally understand the risk and why you might want to blur out your place for the world to view. But before you do it, you must understand that once it’s done, it’s forever. More importantly, if you don’t do it right it does zero good — because only the “head on” view of the front is blurred.

That means if someone is virtually scoping out your neighborhood, and if the blur is done incorrectly, the only obscured view is directly front facing. By virtually driving on the road where your home is located and/or the street behind it, the side views and the back of the home are perfectly visible with no blur. Basically, the parts of your home that are most vulnerable and important to protect for security reasons are exposed.

Here’s a link to an article on CNet that explains why you see blurring and how you can do it yourself.

(PS. I’m not a fan of the orange. 😉 )

TIL (Today I Learned): In Uruguay, up until 2017, if you caught your spouse in bed with someone else, it was within your rights to beat or kill either of them.