merida is part Chinese dragon

Apr 8, 2023

It was still pretty darned nippy outside yesterday but Perry got quite a bit done anyway. His goal was to stack the remaining wood and clean up around the wood furnace/boiler. He finished even though the slacker was on his phone part of the time. 🙂

Perry at work

And when he wasn’t on his phone, he was talking to Merida who was doing her best impression of a Chinese dragon. Pretty good, right?

Perry and Merida

The wall-less room is more than 1/2 done.

Walls are going up pretty quickly now. If they work as hard all next week as they did today, they will finish before the weekend. We’re getting along just fine in the meantime, but as a whole, the property is currently a hot mess.

When Scott and Tammy were here it was obvious that Tammy wasn’t impressed with the barndo. When she looked at the outside wood boiler, turned up her nose, and said, “What’s that?” I smiled. And the best part is I didn’t feel one bit embarrassed or sad. It did make me recall the time when she first visited the Seymour house and commented that she was so happy I finally had a “real” house.

That “real house” just wasn’t my jam. This is…

sunset in the ville at the barndo

Carl said he’s putting out his first hummingbird feeder tomorrow and let me know Edith was there looking for a place to build her nest. I plan to research tonight how to attract killdeers because I want to steal her away!

If you don’t remember Edith, you can grab a quick refresher here.
And another one here.

TIL (Today I Learned): Since 2000, only 2 bestsellers have scored higher than 9th-grade readability. (And we wonder why our country is in such a shape. 🙁 )