fecal matter research – barndo open for business

Apr 20, 2023

Perry spied some really odd looking turds about a foot from the fence we have for the puppies. It was about the size and shape of dog poop, but it was full of what looked like straw.

Yes, my rural lifestyle has me inspecting poop.

I may open the barndo for scientific fecal research since not everyone is aware of Google Lens. One photo later and the pooper was narrowed down to three prospects. The most likely culprit? A coyote.

I’ve seen a red fox visit a few times but have not spotted a coyote. I’ve heard them, for sure. We don’t have cougars around here but southern Indiana is known to have bobcats. Again, I’ve never spotted one nor has my many cameras.

Black magic! Oh my!

The Pesky neighbors scored something for me yesterday that I’ve never seen before. Black petunias (named Black Magic)! In person they look like velvet. Seriously… they’re amazing. ❤️

Mom let me know of an old wives tale (I guess that’s what you’d call it) that says if you thank someone for giving you a flower, it won’t grow. I thanked them for the plastic container the flowers were in instead. When I plant them, I’m going to sit under a tree facing the east, and eat eggs… get up, bow three times, and leave silently without looking back.

OH WAIT! That’s a black magic love spell. 🙄

TIL (Today I Learned): Coyotes are usually hostile to dogs. They mate for life and they consume primarily meat — rodents (fine with that), rabbits (leave mah bunnies alone!), birds and reptiles.