some rough patches are rougher than others

Jan 8, 2024

My freezers are filled to the brim and I have more stuff that I have to fit in them. Honestly, I could probably get by simply buying milk, eggs and bread until 2030. I took NaLona to the store over the weekend because they had 10 pound boxes of bacon on sale in Scottsburg… I came home with 30 lbs. plus other selections and have no idea what I’m going to do with it all.

We all go through rough patches from time to time, right?

NaLona is going through a rough patch right now. Her Momma, Barb, isn’t well. She’s past the point of walking, standing, dressing herself, etc., etc. Her brother, Mac, has diabetes and has lost both legs. (It doesn’t help that he’s a big ole’ boy on a limited income.) NaLona is the caregiver to both of them and the lifting of bodies and wheelchairs have taken their toll.

She has to have back and neck surgery. No other options, Barb will have to go to a nursing home while NaLona heals. Mac will have to have help getting to his wound care (and other) appointments because NaLona won’t be able to keep that up either. She’s trying to arrange something for him, but so far, nothing is working out.

Just a reminder to be grateful for everything, and pray for those who struggle.

Now you know: In 1966, President Kennedy’s brain disappeared from the National Archives.