i’m thinking i should get a prison pen pal

Jan 9, 2024

Perry is the king of odd Christmas gifts… things you wouldn’t think of in a bajillion years. For example, this year, one of my gifts was a leather bound “everyday” book from Turkey, a fountain pen, and violet ink.

Evil eye charms and fountain pens… 🧙🏼‍♀️

Within the book’s package was an evil eye charm. The evil eye charm — a Nazar — came with instructions. Handmade in the small village of Nazar (near Izmir, Turkey), its concept is thousands of years old (dates to 3300 B.C.E). Wearing the talisman or hanging it in your home is supposed to protect you by warding off negativity while bringing you good fortune and peace… blah blah blah.

The fountain pen came with NO instructions. It only took about 30 minutes to figure out how the heck to fill it, but now I’m writing away like a boss. I thought I’d be some expert calligrapher with a little experience, but it writes pretty much like anything else (except with incredibly thin lines) and my poor penmanship is exactly the same.

fountain pen and leather everyday book for writing

Pen pal applications now being accepted!

I remember having a pen pal in grade school. I can’t remember the country, but I remember the teacher passing out a random letter to each of us that contained a name and address (of their school), and we were required to reply. That was fun. If I’m going to use this stuff, I need a pen pal!

Dearest Convict…

Evidently, even Federal prisoners have access to email through TRULINCS on a computer in their housing units for email — and TextBehind for texting family and friends nationwide.

So now what, Perry? I wonder if I could use it to design tattoos. 🙂
I have plenty of awake time to do that. Every. Single. Day.

life of a dog mom

Now you know: Subway spokesman Jared Fogle’s charity, which was worth $187,000, got dissolved by the State of Indiana in 2012 for repeatedly failing to pay a $5 charity registration fee.