from May 15 – October 15 weekends should last 3 days

May 15, 2023

Wouldn’t it be amazing if weekends were 3 days long during the warmer months? Here it is, Monday yet again and the weekend was entirely too short!

Mother’s Day was yesterday and my kid had to work. πŸ˜•

But I got to spend time with my Momma…

Me and my Momma

I had strict orders not to share the above photo on social media because Mom thinks she looks blind and bald. I think she’s beautiful… although I’m not a fan of the manly sunglasses she wears. And she has more hair than I do! Instead, I was allowed to share a photo of her climbing stairs here like a boss. #goals


I’m thinking I’ll take it easy today and pretend it’s a normal 3-day weekend. Maybe I’ll be a trendsetter and 3 day weekends will become a thing. πŸ™‚

TIL (Today I Learned): Sharks don’t make sounds. Across 400-500 species, no one has ever found an organ even capable of producing sound.