I’m not a fan of mowing and weed eating, but I do like the way everything looks when it’s freshly done. Doing it is something I’ve never really appreciated. It’s a chore that goes on and on all spring, summer, and into fall. With the rising cost of gas, it isn’t cheap, I guess — but I never thought of it that way until today.
I get paid today so I can mow my yard.
Doing a morning scroll through Facebook with my coffee at the ready, I saw a post from a FB friend showing a dog running through some really tall grass. Dude said that getting paid (social security) meant he could finally buy the parts to fix his mower. He said his grass hadn’t gotten so tall in over 18 years.
If I had a way to get my mower to his place, I’d have headed straight there and mowed it for him.
I try to remember to be grateful for all I have. I try to be thankful that I’m able to work. I even try to not always have a list of more “stuff” I want. I fail a lot! I’m tired of working and dealing with legal contracts and corporate BS, but the list of crap I think I simply gotta have grows by the minute. Instead, I should be thankful I have a yard; I have a mower; and I have the money to purchase gas to get the job done.
TIL (Today I Learned): The Navy contacted the Village People to use “In the Navy” in an advertising campaign for television and radio. They gave the rights to the song for free on the condition that the Navy help them shoot the music video. The Navy provided them with a warship, several aircraft, and plenty of seamen.