Although Merida is usually the troublemaker around here, Dharma is the early riser that I could choke every morning. A 6:00 AM grunt call on a Saturday morning is unfair and incredibly aggravating. As I’m writing this at 7:00 AM, the fog is almost gone, but at 6:00 AM…

Recap of the past week — all the stuff I didn’t post already.
Activities to raise money for the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals meant Colette not only got to hit her Dad in the face with a pie…

But she also got to hit him with water balloons. (And they fixed her up with a bucket of water too. Either because she’s special or they just loved seeing Ben get soaked.)

Coco also ate “bar food” for the first time (prepared by Katie just for her), tested the offerings from 2 taco trucks (Crothersville’s is better by 110%), and special ordered breakfast every morning.

I spent some time on the new deck without Contractor Tim’s music blaring from his truck. That was great, but might’ve been better without my 4-legged company.

Lots of work and relaxation planned for today. REMC buried the cable this week (cut by the pool installers) and the backyard is a mess. The weather is supposed to start warming up (yippee!) and buying a new push mower is on the agenda. No way am I limping that old one with 3 wheels through another week!
It doesn’t take a crystal ball to figure out what’s next.
Katie called last night and asked what we were doing for 4th of July this year. That means she’s planning to come here. Last year, we had fireworks at Mom’s… I guess the location has changed for 2023. Coco will be here then too (every other week through the summer belongs to Mom and Dad) so we should probably pick up some fireworks. Not sure how the hounds are going to like that. 😬
And you?
No matter when you’re reading this, I hope you take time to reflect on YOUR past few days. Give your brain an opportunity to pause amidst the chaos and sort through your experiences. It helps you learn more about what makes you happy and reveals what you might want to plan for — or avoid — in the future.