Yesterday morning started out with light rain. It was enough to make the chairs outside wet if they weren’t under an umbrella, but nothing awful. It wasn’t long until it was sweltering hot outside! The pesky neighbors dropped by but it didn’t take them long to disappear.
Next came a tornado watch — bad weather possible over a large area. Then came the tornado warning — one was sighted or indicated by radar. Imminent danger! Take cover now!
What do Midwesterners do when told to take cover to avoid loss of life in a tornado?
Why… they go outside and take photos, of course!

Click for more info on yesterday’s severe weather in Indiana. There you’ll find a couple videos from a touchdown in Greenwood, IN.
Not gonna’ lie… I’m terrified of tornados. When a warning is issued, I spend my time watching the clock, watching the sky, and trying to decide if I should corral my dogs and get in the bathtub.
I’d probably do the same thing with a storm shelter. I’d be trying to decide if I should get it in or if the the tornadic activity was going to miss me — and get thrown around like a big ole’ piece of debris shortly thereafter. 🙄
Clear skies at night (sailor’s delight).
By early evening, all the anxiety was gone and so were the dark clouds. Now all we have to worry about is flooding.

Today I learned: The person who invented dumpsters name was dempster, and they where originally called Dempster Dumpsters.