This is Canada’s most destructive wildfire season on record as hundreds of blazes are still going strong sending smoke into the atmosphere. That means hazy skies and air quality alerts for many locations in the US — and that stretch as far as Europe.

President Biden attributes the broad extent of the fires on rising temperatures driven by climate change. The US is sending firefighters to assist, as is Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. The fires have already scorched around 19.5 million acres of land and the majority of the fires are still classified as “out of control.” says, “After wildfire smoke traveling south from eastern Canadian provinces brought a marked spell of haze, fumes and copper skies to the northeastern U.S. earlier in June, states being affected most severely this week are in the Midwest.“
Dharma doesn’t blame Canada… she thinks Contractor Tim’s cigarettes are the culprit.

Today I Learned: A hectare is 2.47105 of an acre.