My puppies aren’t sure if they’re coming or going either… and here lately, I’m a bit confused myself.

Another round of storms today had me chasing down lost items all over the place. It’s time for summer to take up occupancy in the Ville and hang around till at least November.
All my people are dealing with challenges — including me!
My back is jacked up… it’s the worst it’s been since my surgery 10 or so years ago. I’m not sure what I did (or didn’t do), but I THINK I can get it back to decent without another surgery.
I could’ve injured it mowing with the new push mower (turning means twisting and that is bad), or when I was weed eating (stepping in ruts while wielding a heavy, long item and twisting is bad), or when I was riding the mower (places in this yard are like a washboard and hard bouncing is bad).

It’s more likely that it’s a combination of the above PLUS having contractors daily (skipping exercise is very bad). 😬
Big bro has issues too!
My favorite brother’s rotator cuff is shot and requires surgery right away. After shoulder surgery, he gets to wear a sling for 4-6 weeks and sleep propped up for 9-12 months. Add to that his recent scare with high blood pressure and his never ending episodes of gout, and he’s a mess.
Mamma Pesky also has a complaint.
Mom needs a pedicure. Seriously… her complaint is she has a toenail bothering her! She’s a wee bit older than either my brother or me and we seem to be falling apart… while she’s wanting her toenails painted purdy.
So what’s wrong with you?
If you’re reading this, I hope you’re happy and healthy. In the scheme of things, our challenges aren’t huge and all are “fixable.” I’m grateful for my health… but this latest back thing has reminded me how important it is to take care of yourself.
Today I Learned: Despite a growing population, full time college enrollment peaked in 2010 and has been dropping ever since.