My Pap-pa passed away just a few short months after the birth of my son, Ben, in 1982 — it will be 41 years ago this September 16th. He was only 78.

A long time ago, old people would tell me how fast time flies and how I was living the best days of my life. Now? I’m the old people! How has it been over 40 years since his passing?
I think about how Pap-pa would play rummy with me, watch TV while sitting in a straight-back dining room chair with a Chihuahua on his knee, and mow grass without a shirt (embarrassing for a young person thinking he was ancient and showing white chest hairs in public). He loved spending time at the barn around horses and took me daily. (To own a horse, I had to ride every day… through sleet and snow and pouring rain… just like a mailman.)
He loved to tease — like telling me he was going to take out his false teeth at my kindergarten graduation and yell, “That’s my granddaughter!” My family then wondered why I preferred NOT to be the center of attention. Would you? (Not to mention I thought I could die at any second because he told me I had lumpuckaroo in my bowels.)

I remember Nanny letting me set off firecrackers under pap-pa’s bed while he was sleeping. Yes, seriously. (I’m guessing this was payback for all the teasing endured.) Our family went on vacations with Nanny and Pap-pa… my brother and I riding in the back of a blue station wagon with our feet sticking out the windows.
Nanny and Pap-pa were married Aug. 3, 1930 and celebrated their 52nd wedding anniversary before his death. Nanny passed at age 98 on August 26, 2009. She was in a care facility for the last of her days and she would often ask to wear her diamond rings. Afraid they would get lost (or stolen) we’d make excuses. One time, I asked why she wanted them and she snapped back like that was the dumbest question ever — she said that she wanted everyone to know she was married. Pap-pa had already been gone over 25 years by then. ❤️

If you’re reading this, please know that no matter how old you are — time does indeed fly by and you’re living the best days of your life. 🙂
Today’s brain food: Because of the continuing ongoing dispute between Canada & USA over the Machias Seal Island, anyone who is born on it is given the claim of dual citizenship of both countries.