Scanning though the list of trending topics, I saw a headline and couldn’t believe its source. It was Newsweek… no doubt about it. But the title was pretty darned “sensationalized” for me to think it was from a reputable news source. I went back in time 10 years to see what the main headline was on this day back then.
See if you can guess which headline is from 2013, and which is from 2023:

I know I sound cynical — and I guess I am. I will admit I distrust ALL forms of media.
How can you trust an organization who blasts about an Amber Alert of Facebook, then when you click because you want to be aware in case you might be able to help, you find a subscribe screen and have to pay to see where some poor kidnapped child might be.
How can you trust an organization that thinks it’s newsworthy that some trans chick wants her testicles returned?
Everything is click bait.
Except here, at, you won’t find one advertisement — and you won’t find a single place where you’re asked for a donation or pushed to pay a subscription fee. Ok, so it’s not news… but neither is what the mainstream media is churning out either. 🙂
At least here, you get to see a couple pretty cool hound dogs…

Now you know: There have been 256,000 unsolved homicides across the United States since 1980.