Poor Merida has been throwing up every single thing she’s eaten for 2 solid days. I tried giving her a saltine and even that ended up coming up. She seemed like she felt a little better by late afternoon yesterday and I was hopeful, but it didn’t last long. 🙁
I’m typing this on Monday morning… but it’s still Sunday night because I’ve yet to go to bed.

I just finished cleaning up another mess (3 of them actually), and hope I get some sleep before calling the vet in the morning and begging to get her in. I figure I’ll be boiling chicken breasts and rice for a few days, but if she can’t keep down a cracker, it’s not likely that’s going to work until we either figure out what’s going on, or whatever this is runs its course.
I don’t know what’s up with sick doggies all of a sudden, but my vet is getting all my money. Still, that doesn’t bother me nearly as bad as the helplessness I feel because I can’t keep them healthy.
Now you know: Hawaii is considered the bird extinction capital of the world – Since humans arrived, 95 of 142 bird species found nowhere else in the world have become extinct in Hawaii.