one of my dogs was sure she was gonna die!

Sep 8, 2023

Yesterday, I don’t know what I would’ve done without Mr. Pesky. Both of my hound dog’s nails were long and I am too chicken to cut them myself. I tried once — but one leg jerk was all it took for me to throw the clippers in the drawer never to be seen again.

Not only did I need Carl’s transportation, but I also had to have help getting Dharma in the car. Unlike Merida, she can’t just jump in. 🙁

Guess which dog behaved during the nail trim…

  1. The docile brown dog with bad hips
  2. The agile and energetic black dog

Go ahead and guess… we’ll wait…

Dharma bad. Merida good.

Dharma was determined NOT to have her feet touched. It was so bad, I thought Carl was going to have to choke her out. She ended up laying down and flipping her head around to escape. It was awful. She seriously thought she was gonna die. She never resists coming inside, but when we got back she slipped her collar challenging the two steps it takes to get through the door. Not until I said, “BONE” was the protest over.

Merida, on the other hand, offered a bit of resistance on paw #1. After that, she simply allowed the process without either of us putting her in a choke hold to keep her from moving. It was a piece of cake.

After that action, I needed some zen…

Resting was required because Dharma has so much hair between the pads of her feet, they have to be shaved. But that’s a story for another day.

Now you know: In the 18 months leading up to the 9/11 attacks, the CIA had 2 of the hijackers under surveillance within the US but kept it secret from the FBI. 🙄