If you’ve never heard of chatGPT you’re out of touch. Sorry.

Jan 21, 2023

If you don’t already know about OpenAI and chatGPT, you should. Experts say it may be the most important tool to hit the world since modern search engines.

The basics…

OpenAI is an artificial intelligence research laboratory focused on developing and promoting friendly AI to benefit everyone. GBT stands for Generative Pretrained Transformer — a language model trained and able to generate human-type text. ChatGPT is a variant that was created for conversational purpose.

If you want to try it out…

You sign up for a free account at https://chat.openai.com. You have to give them an email address and a phone number so it can send you a code for verification. Then you’re ready for blastoff! Unless the server is so busy you can’t get in. πŸ™ This is a FREE version.

It’s amazing technology… that’s for sure. It’s incredibly popular and if you play around on it, you’ll see how it can be used for a bajillion purposes. Even though college professors know their students are using chatGBT to write papers, they pass the plagiarism test of software that’s designed to identify it.

Here’s an example…

I typed in this request: Write an article about why rural living is preferred above living in a city.
In less than 30-seconds, here is the UNEDITED result:

Rural living offers a way of life that is vastly different from that of a city. Many people find that the slower pace, the natural beauty, and the sense of community in rural areas are preferable to the hustle and bustle of city life.

One of the biggest draws of rural living is the sense of community. In small towns, people tend to know each other well, and there is a strong sense of shared identity and purpose. This can make for a close-knit and supportive community that is often lacking in larger, more anonymous cities.

Another advantage of rural living is the natural beauty of the area. Those who live in rural areas are often surrounded by fields, forests, and other natural landscapes that offer a sense of tranquility and serenity that is hard to find in the city. This can be especially appealing for those who enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, fishing, and hunting.

Rural living also tends to be less expensive than city living. Housing prices in rural areas are often lower than in the city, and the cost of living is generally lower as well. This can make it easier for people to live comfortably on a lower income.

Living in a city can be stressful. The constant noise, traffic, and pollution can take a toll on one’s mental and physical health.

In conclusion, rural living can offer a way of life that is more peaceful, less expensive, and more closely connected to nature. It can also provide a sense of community and shared identity that can be hard to find in the city. While cities may offer more job opportunities and entertainment, for many people, the benefits of rural living outweigh the advantages of urban living.

rural living

How do you feel about it? Will you use it?

There are strong generational differences as to the perceived opportunity, threat, etc. Most old people aren’t fans — but like it or not, the technology is quickly evolving. Actually… it could best be defined as explosive growth.

The implications are HUGE — trust and authenticity top the list. I can’t even imagine all the uses that haven’t been thought of yet and I have to wonder (as an old person) what the long term ramifications might be.

And finally… will you be moving to the country? πŸ˜‰

TIL (Today I Learned): More than 300 million people globally don’t have a single friend, according to Gallup data.