sleep and mental health in old chicks

Jan 20, 2023

Perry is on vacation and my sleep regimen is out the window. I try to hang with the big dogs and I can… but not for multiple nights in a row. I COULD, but I have responsibilities named Dharma and Merida. YOU try to sleep with one dog beside the bed grunting and the other sitting on the bed beside you, head hung down breathing your air.

I’ll admit that I’m on edge. I’m T I R E D!!

Of course, one of the news articles served up to me today is titled, “Sleep is Key to Good Mental Health for Older Women.” You can read the article for yourself but I can summarize it for you — old people need sleep or they can become depressed, anxious, and their well-being will be lowered.

One statistic I found interesting is where the post cited that even one hour of alteration to a sleep schedule increases depressive symptoms by 68% and anxiety symptoms by 62%. I’m in trouble… I don’t have a sleep schedule. At least not a healthy one.

But next week… it’s a new leaf I’ll be turning over. Earlier to bed and earlier to rise!

TIL (Today I Learned): The floating substance inside of a lava lamp is primarily wax.