This diet thing with Jerilyn and Katie will soon be a wrap. This Thursday will be the last “real” weigh in for me. A week in Disney won’t be a friend to my scales (I’m skipping that week’s weigh-in) and our final weigh in is the first week in October.
I think I’ll pack a huge jar of Jiffy peanut butter to eat while I’m gone. If I’m going to sabotage what I’ve worked for so far, it’s going to be with something I want a whole lot worse than bananas and sugar free Jello pudding.

We scanned all sorts of good things and bought stuff we hate.
Katie and I went to Target this evening. We had our trusty phones out with our Weight Watchers app scanning bar codes like we were taking the store’s inventory. Ended up, I bought a bag of mandarin oranges and she bought plain popcorn. That’s it! My dogs eat better stuff than I get to.
Diet tip:
If you use almond milk to make sugar-free pudding it will NOT set-up. It stays runny forever.
Now you know: If the salt in the ocean was removed and spread evenly over the Earth’s land surface it would form a layer more than 500 feet (166 meters) thick, about the height of a 40-story office building.