apocalypse, cancelled!

Sep 13, 2023

In your contacts (I don’t say friends for a reason), I’m willing to bet there’s one person you know that always wants their way. They’ll do anything to get whatever it is THEY want — or what THEY want to have happen. Give ’em and inch and they expect 10 more miles.

It makes zero difference to them how much their demands may hurt/frustrate/inconvenience/ANGER others… they simply don’t care. They do not respect those effected, nor do they empathize with them. They seem to not even realize what others sacrifice so they get what they want.

It’s like Dharma when she wants a treat. 😉

This type of person will refuse to back down and will push and push until their victim just gives up. If you were to confront this type of person, I’d bet the farm they’d put the blame on someone else because they are incapable of realizing their actions are pretty darned ugly.

Actions have consequences. But not always!

The most challenging part is when you give in or give up you feel like you’re rewarding bad behavior! Maybe you give in to their demands because someone else will be upset or hurt if you don’t. Or maybe you give up because it’s simply not worth hashing and rehashing the same ole shit. Maybe it’s both these reasons. Either way, it’s just not worth it.

Here’s hoping the person YOU know like this is one you don’t have to interact with often. When you do… just stay calm and move on. You’re not going to change their behavior anyway.

Now you know: Jimmy Carter created the “Mental Health Systems Act of 1980” to establish Mental Health facilities in communities across America. It was promptly repealed in 1981 by incoming president Reagan.