the bean field is now beanless

Oct 4, 2023

The fields bordering the barndo are naked and harvest 2023 is in the books. Finishing up yesterday, all the work on this particular field was a memory by sunset.

Perry and Mr. Pesky got the pool closed.

Perry did a lot of talking about closing the pool… but it simply didn’t get done last weekend. After work, he did a final sweep and added the closing chemicals.

It was after dark when Mr. Pesky arrived to help with the cover. They lit the yard with vehicle headlights and cell phones to finish up. 🙄

And finally, Fluff is likely done with me until this time next year.

Fluff rolled in with two more rick of wood. We should have enough to last throughout the winter now. It’s like a wood mountain out there just waiting to be stacked. Sadly, no one’s lining up for that task. Cheaper than going to the gym — come on out!

Now you know: In ancient Greece, during the Olympic Games all participants competed in the nude. Only men were allowed to participate in the contests.