i always fall down the same rabbit hole

Apr 27, 2023

I can scroll through Facebook in a matter of seconds UNLESS there’s some dog rescue video. That leads to watching some food recipe being prepared and makeover haircut videos that go on and on and on. I even sit with my mouth open and watch those stupid 5-minute craft videos where they make stuff out of toilet paper rolls. Like I want that crap in my house?? NOPE!

The Internet is a time sink!

At some point during the day I hit up either Apple News or Drudge Report. Short and sweet catch-up on what’s going on in the world me thinks. That works UNLESS there’s something that really catches my interest. Once that happens, it’s like dominos with me knocking all the blocks down as I go from one article to the next. If there’s some youtube video on America’s got talent like this one — that can go on a loop for HOURS.

And I haven’t even touched on email. Good grief — oftentimes, I’ll review correspondence with one client for one event to find we’ve racked up 100 back and forth messages. I should get paid by the number of emails I’ve read and responded to and not commission. I’d be RICH!

Of course, the best way not to fall down the same rabbit hole is to not head down the path where it’s located.

With work and email I simply must take that road. When it comes to the other stuff, I have no excuse. Oh, to be more like Dharma… enjoying the sunshine without any knowledge of computers or the Internet…

dharma outside

TIL (Today I Learned): The temperature on the moon at the Apollo 11 landing site was 200ºF.