This will last about 2 years. 2 YEARS!

Nov 24, 2019

The house seemed empty without Gracie, and Dharma missed her so much. So now we have a new addition to the family. Internet… meet Merida… Merida… meet the Internet…

Colette and Merida

How’s that for a spur of the moment, worst time of the year to have a new puppy, what was I thinking, decision? And to top it off, she’s named after Disney’s most feminist princess of all time — #11, Merida.

Merida of Disney's Brave

The resemblance is uncanny! At least that’s what Coco said when she chose the name. You see it, too. Right?

Merida's second day home.

There were two black lab puppies to choose from. Ben picked the more “docile” one. We’re pretty sure they drugged her before our arrival because in reality, if she’s not sleeping she’s biting something. Toes, the Christmas tree, and Dharma are her favorite things to gnaw on.

And this stage lasts about 2 years. 2 years!!

There are those who say fate is something beyond our command. That destiny is not our own, but I know better. Our fate lives within us, you only have to be brave enough to see it.

Merida – Disney’s Brave

I sure was brave when I got another Labrador puppy. It was fate, I’m sure of it. I just hope I remember that once she eats a couch (like Libby did) or a mattress (like Dharma did).

Dharma’s not a fan so far, but the little black mischief-maker is starting to grow on her a bit. That was… until this afternoon when she nipped Dharma’s belly trying to nurse. Big mistake that didn’t end well.

So now there’s a new family member deserving of her own category. Here we go! It’s too late to back out now.