Merida’s obsession doesn’t make the top 3 list

Nov 25, 2019

I’m typing this in the middle of the night (ok, so it’s morning already) because puppies only sleep in the daytime. But I had to share Merida’s obsession… and it doesn’t even make the top 3 according to reputable sources:

  1. Fears about contamination
  2. Worries about having left appliances on or doors unlocked, and
  3. Fear of acting in shameful or humiliating ways

She doesn’t care about any of that stuff. Merida is obsessed with the Christmas tree! She wants to chew on the branches, sleep underneath, and chew the buttons on the tree skirt.

Merida wants her very own Christmas tree.

Her worst enemy is the crate. I explained that the cage is really her very own den and she should be proud to have a pink girly one. I’ve never crate trained a dog before and read about a bajillion Google top finds about it — but so far, they aren’t helping.

She can’t wait to get out of jail and attack the Christmas tree. At her vet check-up tomorrow, I’m going to see if we can safely put her in a coma of some sort and wake her up on January 1.

Merida even dreams about Christmas trees.