My family actually took vacations in my youth. Not camping at the lake or short trips to the zoo, but real vacations. Oh yes, real vacations to visit dead Presidents. My Momma will not be impressed to learn that the only one I can remember is Andrew Jackson. I do remember touring some jail and getting locked up for a photo, but that won’t count in her book.
Motion sickness.
As a kid, my motion sickness was a real issue for our family. The joke always was that we could leave our home in Indiana at daybreak and not get out of the state by nightfall because they had to stop so many times for me to throw up. And… there were times they didn’t stop soon enough and clean up cut down on travel time. 😉
Then, they discovered the wonders of Dramamine! I was drugged to the point of drooling and was fast asleep for most of the travel time just so we could reach the home of yet another dead president. Imagine my surprise to find there’s a new way to treat motion sickness! My Mom would’ve totally had me sporting a pair of these:

Back when my brother and I were kids, most families didn’t get to take vacations like we did — unlike today when most families go somewhere every year. And back then, if people did travel it was to visit relatives… ones still alive.
And then, at some point, I simply grew out of it.
I no longer get motion sickness when traveling. I don’t get air sick and I’m pretty sure I don’t get car sick anymore either. I’m not 100% sure on that since I’m never in the back seat — I’m either driving or riding shotgun.
I may only remember one dead president, but I do remember how good it felt coming back home. I still feel that way. 🙂

Now you know:  The Hermitage is the home of President Andrew Jackson and is in Nashville, Tennessee. You can still experience the historical mansion, museum and grounds — and they even have a ghost tour in October but it’s sold out. Learn more at: