My prescribed drugs are all gone. I’m hoping that means I’ll finally start getting more than 4.5 hours sleep at night. That alone would make for improvement.
I previously mentioned that I was taking a couple months off starting 10/15/23 because of my favorite brother’s rotator cuff surgery. His surgery — and my planned hiatus — have been bumped up a month. ARG. Nothing like working on a Monday you thought you’d be off.
The outside flowers are now inside.

All the flowers brought in before the first frost are doing ok. None are dead yet anyway. Trying to find sunny windows downstairs is a challenge when there are so many. But if I move any upstairs, I’m afraid I’ll forget to water them. I’d be more reliable with some sleep, so that may change.
Taking the dogs outside last night just before midnight, it was COLD! 🥶 Fifty damp degrees with rain and a bit of wind, it felt more like winter than fall. I know it’s probably because we’re just not used to it yet, but still. Brrr! This morning as of 9:00 AM, that temp is still here.
What about the leaves?
In Indiana, the peak of fall foliage is mid to late October (depending upon how stressed trees are from lack of rainfall). While the calendar matches up, the trees around the barndo were obviously relaxed because we’re just now starting to see some color.

Now you know: In the 18th century, there was a practice in England known as “wife-selling.” This unusual custom involved a man publicly auctioning off his wife to the highest bidder, often in a marketplace or a tavern. It was sometimes seen as a humorous way to escape an unhappy marriage.