it’s true that time slips away… and i feel 100

Nov 2, 2023

I remember being a kid and going to my uncle Jack’s house practically every Sunday. It was our family’s tradition. My Dad and his brothers would often play music and the kids would eat all the snacks, dance, and play outside. Jack and Betty lived on a hill and we had fun there in the winter too.

Jack and Betty had 3 daughters — one was my favorite brother’s age, Becky; and 2 older than him, Linda and Jenny. Because they were older, they didn’t have much to do with those of us that were younger and oh, so annoying. All 3 of them were cheerleaders at Brownstown Central High School and I thought they were the coolest.

The middle child, Linda, (also in the middle in the photo below) just had a birthday… she turned 75. SEVENTY FIVE YEARS-OLD!!

Linda had three kids. I’ve posted before about Celina and Christy — both of them have stayed at my house when coming to Jackson County. For whatever reason, my brain thinks I’m from THEIR generation instead of from the oldies but goodies one.

I must realize I’m freaking OLD.

I’m a senior and there’s a whole lot of gray hair under the color. Probably. I haven’t seen my real hair color for at least 20 years, but roots don’t lie. 🙂

I need to realize how old I am when I start a project too because I feel like I’m at least 100 today. In the past 3 days I’ve likely done 5 thousand squats while holding a paint roller or brush. I couldn’t do even one more. I’m done.

The floor is done too!

It’s rustic and it’s still concrete, but it suits me just fine. I’m really happy with it.

Moving furniture back in today (even though the new rugs have yet to arrive) and I’m not sure I have the power to do it by myself, but I’m going to give it my best shot. I even have one heavy piece that goes upstairs, but I’ll need help with it. At least I know I couldn’t have done that job at 35. 🙂

Now you know: In 2022, BMW offered subscriptions for customers in the U.K. that would enable them to use their car’s heated front seats (£15 per month) or heated steering wheel (£10 per month).