back in my day they were a buck

Dec 9, 2023

I LOVE Queen Anne chocolate covered cherries. Although I never buy them at any time other than Christmas, they rank right up there as a “Shelley’s favorite” when it comes to sweets. The only thing that beats them out is persimmon pudding.

I remember when they were $1. Carl said he can remember .25ยข, probably because he’s so much older than I am. ๐Ÿ˜‰ When they were $1, there were 12 in box — now, there’s 10 in a box and they’re $2.68. It’s ok… I still buy them.

Rain, storms, and more rain…

I love the sound of rain on the roof here at the barndo. I don’t even mind the dark skies. What I hate is the wind. What the heck is up with the wind anyway? Does it seem that the winds are stronger now than they were in years past?

Maybe the wind over time has increased just like the cost of those chocolate covered cherries. ๐Ÿ™‚

Now you know: Tom Cruise ended his marriages with Mimi Rogers, Nicole Kidman, and Katie Holmes when they each turned 33. Additionally, each ex-wife was 11 years younger than the previous one.