the internet has fundamentally transformed every aspect of human life

Jan 26, 2024

We are in an era of unprecedented connectivity and information access. With instantaneous global interactions through email, social media, and messaging apps, traditional forms of communication have been replaced.

All you need is an internet connection and you have access to a virtual marketplace open 24/7. You have access to a vast repository of knowledge at your fingertips. Even education has transcended physical boundaries — online courses are out there for anything you want to learn.

EVERYTHING IS THERE — except real, physical, human interaction and appreciation of one’s surroundings.

more fog in southern Indiana in winter

Oh, you can visit places around the world and that’s great… but not if you ignore the beauty that’s in your own backyard. Being able to instantly connect with others is great… but only if you remember how important it is to maintain and foster healthy physical interactions.

You must give up some of one to benefit from the other.

The average person spends almost 7 hours per day on screens connected to the Internet — that’s hours outside of work, y’all.

Isn’t it time for you to find a better balance? I know it’s time for me. Today, I need to find a pillow that the wind took away to unknown places. 🙂

lost pillow on outdoor furniture

Now you know: The average worker spends nearly 12% of their working hours using unproductive social media apps. Every year in the US, social media distractions at work cost businesses around $650 billion.