it’s official… Katie is moving south

Jan 25, 2024

Katie isn’t really my niece but she tells everyone I’m her “aunt Shelley.” I talk to her as much as I do my own kid, and see her more often than that. I never thought she’d leave the Ville but she’s headed to Tennessee in a few short weeks.

This photo pretty much sums up how I feel about it. 🫣

empty chairs near foggy woods

Katie is about to embark on a journey where there are many unknowns, so I’m concerned. I’m afraid she’d be homesick and lonesome… especially until she makes friends. She has a job lined up and a house to live in but she doesn’t know many people. Girl has got FOUR dogs. It’s not like she can call me to run to her place when she’s scared and her parents are gone.

But I’m also happy for her and think she’s pretty brave.

It’s exciting to think of starting a life somewhere new, isn’t it? I can’t imagine picking up all my stuff — with only 2 dogs — and moving some 300 miles from family and friends (4.5 hour drive). Oh, I could do 4 or 5 months of the year someplace else easy peasy — just wouldn’t want to pull up stakes and replant them elsewhere without having a trial run first. I’m not that brave.

Now you know: A new record for the tallest and fastest rollercoaster is going to change hands in October 2024. Currently the Kingda Ka at Six Flags Jackson NJ is 456 feet tall. Falcons Flight will be 640 feet tall located in Saudi Arabia.