It’s another frosty morning in southern Indiana with more… you guessed it… WIND! That’s right — 35-40 mph winds coupled with a special weather statement warning us of an elevated fire risk.

Today is the 1st day of spring 2024.
Today is the first day of spring, but it doesn’t feel like it. Just wait though… it could feel like mid-summer before you know it. That’s because March is the month of extreme transitions in my slice of the world. It can see snow (flurries yesterday) to mild temperatures to severe storms.
The earth is amazing isn’t it? It was designed to constantly keep an equalized pressure. When this gets disrupted, we get wind. The stronger the lower pressure is, the harder the earth will fight to equalize it. The pressure struggle is real in rural Crothersville today.
Like me, ole’ Mother Earth is working overtime.
Yesterday, I decided to move my bathroom and closet upstairs. I logged around 16,000 steps and about all of them were made carrying stuff up and down a narrow and steep stairway. Today, we’ll be taking it easy around here. It’s going to be a day of rest and thoughts about the warmer days ahead.
Merida was so distracted by the sunshine she forgot where she left her bone. She’s been searching for it for about an hour and I’m not even going to give her a hint.

Now you know: A Japanese man, Yasuo Takamatsu, lost his wife in the 2011 earthquake. He has not stopped looking for her body for more than 10 years and has dived more than 800 times in the ocean to retrieve her.