why it’s important for humans to be in alignment with natural rhythms

May 1, 2024

This isn’t some self-help post and I’m not going to encourage you to take up yoga. Starting with thoughts about why it seems peaceful at night, I found that experts agree on just a few factors that cause many people to feel the same.

small flower garden at night

Those factors are:

  1. It’s typically quieter at night. The absence of routine daytime noises helps create a serene atmosphere.
  2. Nighttime can provide a sense of solitude and privacy. It’s less stimulating outside in low light and allows people to focus inwardly and relax.
  3. Starry skies provide a sense of wonder. Especially on clear nights, you can appreciate the beauty of the night sky, stars, and the moon.
  4. Human bodies are attuned to natural rhythms. (This is the one I struggle with, you guys.) Nighttime is when many species — including humans (except for me) — rest. The alignment with natural cycles induce feelings of peace and relaxation.

But nighttime can also be scary! 💀👻

When I lived alone at the little house just down the road from here, I was scared outside at night. No garage at the time, the distance between my car and the front door felt like miles! I couldn’t get inside fast enough — especially in winter (not sure why on that one).

Even now, if I’m alone outside in the dark and a coyote cries, it gives me a spook.

What say you? Is nighttime peaceful or scary? Maybe both?

Now you know: Chinstrap penguins take more than 10,000 micro-naps a day so they can stay vigilant and guard their eggs.