an ultimate customer disastorous experience

May 23, 2023

This morning, Hendrix Pools showed up (a day late, I might add) to cut the liner for the skimmer and to hook up the filter and pump. Two young boys arrived (sons of the owner) and I watched as they put sand in the filter and connected everything. They said I was good to fill ‘er up.

They were wrong.

I turned the hose on after they left and waited for the pool to fill to the mark they suggested before turning on the filter. Around 5:00 PM, the water level just wasn’t there yet. My contractor came to give me a price on decking and walked around behind the pool. Here’s what he found…

pool problems

I’m guessing there’s $100 worth of water on the ground out there. Something obviously wasn’t connected and the leak washed out the blocks tipping everything over. It’s a saturated muddy mess. Too late to reach a real person at the business, I left a scathing message requesting a call first thing in the morning. We’ll see what happens next.

I’m trying to stay calm!

deck seating

It looks peaceful enough — and it is — unless you’re still hemorrhaging money and just got a bid on a deck that made you want to cry.

TIL (Today I Learned): The cookies that Cookie Monster eats are just painted rice cakes. Real cookies would damage the puppet because of the grease.