Escapology is Merida’s specialty — and the steps we’ve taken to crush the practice

May 22, 2023

Merida was great for awhile. She’d stay away from the gate when someone opened it and didn’t even offer to dash through it. That all changed over the weekend and we had to chase her down two days in a row. She didn’t leave the yard, but she’s a world class escapologist in training.

Merida spends her time plotting her next big breakout.

Merida plotting escape

Wood… nails… dirt…

If not attempting to jet out the gate, she’s belly-crawling under the deck in an attempt to get out there. Thwarting that method of escape required screwing boards over potential outlets and raising the ground level. Go, go Perry!

Perry shoveling dirt

A shocking experience!

Merida is now wearing a shock collar. (Oh my!) So far, beeping the collar has her backing away from the gate and she’s had a neck buzz once — but no shock yet. It’s like she knows she has to behave once that collar is on. I walk around with a phone and a collar remote like I’m a prison guard.

TIL (Today I Learned): In 1947 the town of Holt, Missouri (population 471) experienced the greatest 1 hour rainfall total ever observed worldwide: 12 inches of rain fell in just 42 minutes.