the monkeys are about to be let out

May 21, 2023

I won’t be having my first cup of coffee outside this morning. It’s only in the mid-40’s. Is it fall already?? The cool air overnight combined with high humidity and we have a foggy morning!

foggy morning

This coming week is Coco’s last week of school.

SCHOOL’S OUT! SCHOOL’S OUT! Teachers let the monkeys out. Or are you even older and the teachers let the mules out?

Summer vacation is about to begin for kiddos everywhere. Coco will stay here while Ben is working and I’ll betcha she’ll make good use of the new pool. I love to swim… and I love the sun… but Coco and Carl are the biggest reasons I wanted a pool. They both need the exercise. 😉 (Not that I don’t!)

When Ben was young, we always had a place for him to swim at home. I can’t remember him ever getting in the water and goofing around alone, but he had friends over about every day. I hope we get as much good out of this pool as we did out of the one we had at the little house he grew up in.

It’s been over 10 years since I’ve had a pool in my yard.

circa 2012, me with baby coco

Circa 2012, Coco’s water experiences started young — and she loved it even then. We all got tired holding her in the water and passed her around till her little fingers and toes were like prunes. Next week, I’ll pick up goggles and dive rings for her and Carl — and an awesome raft for me.

Come on, warm weather! Cooperate with me on this!

TIL (Today I Learned): Fog does NOT “burn off.” That’s a myth. When the sun rises, the air and ground warm up. This leads to the air temperature being warmer than the dew point temperature, which causes the fog droplets to evaporate.