don’t waste time complaining over what you can’t control

Mar 10, 2024

I know the following complaint is out of my control, but rather than take my own advice, I’m going to complain anyway. But just about ONE thing…

USPS mail delivery is different when it comes from the Crothersville post office as opposed to delivery from the Seymour USPS post office.

Pros and cons of living on the outskirts of Crothersville.

If I made a list that contained “pros” and “cons” columns for living here instead of in Seymour, the entries in the pros column would greatly outweigh those in the cons column.

BUT… USPS mail delivery here would be in CONS column written in bold black, tall italic letters, and highlighted with the brightest pink marker on the market.

amazon envelope after being crammed into a mailbox

In Seymour, USPS would’ve placed a package the size of the one above on my doorstep. It might’ve even had a couple small doggie bones resting on top. BUT NOT HERE! If they can roll it up, smush it up, and cram it in the box… that’s where it’s left.

In about a year and a half, they’ve pulled in my driveway to deliver a package exactly ONE TIME.

“Our deliveries are made quick and easy — for us.”

(suggested motto for C’ville’s USPS office)

Now you know: Postal codes in Ireland are so specific that every single house has their own individual postcode, or Eircode (air-code).