cottage cheese is good for you – bad for me

Sep 8, 2024

Who knew that 2% fat cottage cheese contains more “live and active cultures” than the 4% fat kind? I didn’t! And now I’m paying for it.

Back to 1986…

Ben & Me in the wayback machine

In 1986, I got so sick I ended up in the hospital. Surgery came next and I was pumped with antibiotics in Louisville for about a week. The primary cause, per my surgeon, was Herbal Life diet supplements that stripped my intestines of the needed fluorocarbons. I don’t remember all the specifics, but I do remember how it felt.

Here we are, almost 40-years later and I still get that same pain if I eat anything with “active and live cultures.”

Fast forward to today…

I LOVE cottage cheese, but limit how much I eat. I LOVE yogurt, but only watch as other enjoy it Now since I’m on Weight Watchers for the fat chicks diet project, I switched to the 2% fat variety of cottage cheese.

BIG MISTAKE. To save one miserable point of my WW’s 23 daily total, I’m on the downside of the after effects. I didn’t know 2% fat cottage cheese is twice as bad for me as the plain ole’ original stuff. My stomach muscles feel like I did 100 sit ups yesterday, but I’m no longer hurting. For the record, I still feel awful and won’t make that mistake again.

Now you know: During the Apollo 13 mission, Jack Swigert realized he had forgotten to file his tax return. NASA contacted the IRS, who agreed that he was considered ‘out of country’ and therefore entitled to a deadline extension.